Jacinta Greer


I am queer and trans and I am a PhD student in earth sciences.//

I am a queer, transgender PhD student, studying past environmental change and the reliability of climate proxies at the University of Adelaide. Academically I have been focusing on finding a reliable relationship between the carbon isotope ratios of melaleuca quinquenervia leaves and precipitation in South-East Queensland, Australia.As I began my postgraduate studies I also began to struggle with my sexuality and gender identity. I came out to my two supervisors about a year into my PhD research, right before I was due to present at my first international conference. They immediately contacted the conference organisers and had my details updated on all of the conference materials before they were sent out to any other attendees. My supervisors were absolutely the most helpful allies during the first few months of my transition and in the years since then they have remained absolutely dedicated to helping me finish despite many setbacks, both directly and indirectly linked to my transitioning. They continually inspire me to stay in academia, even on the hardest of days. I hope to one day inspire my own students as much as they have inspired me.

Twitter: @jacinta_greer; Instagram: @vegfem