Rishika Mohanta


a panromantic transgender woman and I am a neuroscientist.//


I’m Rishika Mohanta, a neuroscientist passionate about understanding the intricate mysteries of how the brains of different animals, from insects to humans, create diverse behaviors and try to understand structure-function relationships that give rise to novel computations across species. My scientific journey is fueled by a fascination with how all creatures process and react differently and uniquely to their environments, integrating senses, rewards, and experiences. I love the challenge of blending experimental techniques with theoretical models to unlock nature’s secrets. Beyond the lab, I am a proud panromantic transgender woman who embraces every aspect of my identity. My journey of self-discovery has enriched my life and work and shown me the importance of diversity in the scientific community, not just in improving productivity but also in creating an environment full of self-love, mutual respect, and shared joy. I actively advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and hope to continue working towards inclusive policies in all spheres of academia where I can contribute positively.


