Riccardo Manca


I am gay and I am a postdoc in neuroscience (neuropsychology).//


I am currently a postdoc RA at the University of Sheffield where I completed my PhD in Neuroscience. I am originally from Italy were I studied architecture but later moved to psychology. During my PhD I studied the cognitive and neural effects of a novel training in people with multiple sclerosis. I am investigating the relationship between cognitive/neuropsychiatric symptoms and brain damage. In particular, I am working on different studies to clarify the neural changes preceding as well as the impact of polygenic risk for psychiatric conditions on the brain architecture leading to psychosis in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
In the future I would like to study psycho-social factors determining trajectories of neurocognitive and mental health decline due to aging and neurodegeneration. In particular, I would like to elucidate specific risk/protective factors for older adults from sexual and gender minorities.

In my spare time I enjoy yoga, TV series binge-watching, horror movies, art exhibitions and travelling to discover new cities (and their architectural treasures!) but also to lay (lazily) on a beach with family and friends.

If you would like to ask me any questions about science and more do not hesitate to get in contact with me!
