Lisa Pecher


I am trans and pan and I am an editor at a chemistry journal.//

I studied chemistry because it offered many things I was interested in: practical work, mathematics, working with people, funny colors/smells/sounds, creative problem solving, and more! In my PhD, I investigated the adsorption of molecules on semiconductor surfaces using computational methods. The most interesting thing I found was that some seemingly complex surface reactions are no different from the textbook chemistry we learn in elementary courses! During my PhD, I also transitioned. The double load was stressful, but luckily, my group and supervisor were very supportive and accepting. Afterwards, I became an editor because I always loved working on manuscripts and finding the best way to present research results. What I like about the job is that you are in contact with the research community, always up to date about the latest developments, and make a positive contribution to the visibility of your field. I hope that I can also help to increase the visibility of queer people in science. In my free time, I make music and volunteer as a youth group leader for trans* teens.
