Jaime Miller
I am a lesbian and I am a marine biologist.//
I am an age and growth marine biologist (Biologist II) for Alabama Marine Resources Division. My main duties include the Adult Finfish Sampling Program. This sampling consists of using two experimental gillnets for the collection of finfish of recreational and commercial importance for age and growth studies. I oversee, participate, train new samplers, and conduct QA/QC in the collection, processing, and ageing of otoliths from the finfish samples. These ages are then used to monitor the populations of targeted species. Along with the Adult Finfish Sampling Program I oversee and participate in the Fisheries Information Network Sampling Program funded through Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. This program is a state-federal cooperative program among agencies to collect, manage, and disseminate statistical data and information on the commercial fisheries of the Southeast Region. The FIN is designed to provide sound scientific information on catch, effort, and participation that managers need to prudently conserve and manage marine commercial fisheries resources in the Region. Under this program, there are two distinct components: the Commercial FIN and the Recreational FIN in the Southeast Region. I have a general Biology Bachelor of Science degree from the University of West Alabama and a Master of Science in Marine Sciences from the University of South Alabama.
Facebook: jaime.miller.393; Instagram: @spectrum_fishing