Grace Deitzler


I am bi and I am a microbiologist/PhD student. //

I’m a research technician in St. Louis, MO, working on characterizing carbohydrate metabolism in the vaginal microbiome in an effort to better understand conditions like bacterial vaginosis. But at the end of summer 2018, I’ll be packing up and heading to Oregon State University to start my PhD in microbiology! I love microbes possibly more than anything in the world. I’ve identified as bisexual for nearly a decade now, but for a long time there wasn’t a ton of bi representation … anywhere, and I wasn’t really sure if we could actually consider ourselves part of the LGBT community. So now I try to be outspoken about bi representation, especially in science—you belong! When I’m not in the lab, I’m usually tweeting, reading, hiking, or hanging with my fiancé and my cat.