Alexandra T Keinath


I am trans and I am a neuroscientist.//


My research employs a variety of recording techniques, neural circuit manipulations, species, and computational approaches to elucidate how hippocampal representations interact to support spatial navigation and memory. It’s absolutely my passion and I’m super happy to be spending my life studying these things. Originally from Hicksville, New York, I completed my undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University and my PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. I’m now completing my postdoctoral research at McGill. I am a recent recipient of a Banting Fellowship, and have previously received a McGill Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives postdoctoral fellowship, an IGERT Complex Scene Perception graduate fellowship from the University of Pennsylvania, and an undergraduate fellowship in neural computation from the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition. I am a proud member of and advocate for the LGBT community in science.
