Kasey Fowler-Finn


I am bi and I am an evolutionary ecologist with a focus on insects and arachnids.//


I have always been fascinated by insects and arachnids and am now a PI of an amazing and amazingly diverse research team at Saint Louis University that studies the diversity of ways arthropods deal with environmental change. Some major foci include vibrational communication, responses to anthropogenic change, predator-prey interactions and mating exchanges. I also have strong interests in supporting and increasing diversity in STEM, fostering scientific growth through undergraduate research, and interacting with the public about science (www.toohottosing.com).

Outside academia, I have a stained glass studio, have trained in sheep herding, love to hike and camp, and have an awesome husband and daughter. I’m bi/fluid and am always learning more about what that means for my own identity and mentorship!

