Jonas Donnenfield


I am gay and I am a paleoceanographer.//


I’m a PhD student at Oregon State University studying ocean and climate conditions of the recent past. I received my BA in geology from Carleton College (2018). I currently use marine sediment cores (one of many proxies that archive past climates) to reconstruct periods of abrupt warming. These reconstructions can be useful analogues for understanding modern climate change and predicting future change. I’m also passionate about STEM education, science communication, and climate justice, and I’ve worked with the Seattle Aquarium, Who’s Saving the Planet, and the Sunrise Movement to engage with communities in these areas.

Growing up I learned to hide the parts of myself that would differentiate me, believing that conformity was the path of least resistance in spite of my own unhappiness. It was not until I found role models in science that I gained the courage to present my unique identity as an asset, not a liability. The diversity of human experience and expression are crucial for increasing scientific exploration and innovation, and sharing our unique stories is a powerful step in supporting that. I hope to become a role model for others in geoscience by increasing queer visibility and amplifying minority representation throughout my career.

