

I am queer and I am a biologist, a science communicator, and a science artist.//


I recently completed my PhD at the University of Montreal where I worked with the small worm C. elegans to better understand how the germline develops. I essentially spent my time there in a dark room chasing after moving creatures with beautiful fluorescent markers under the microscope. To share the beauty of my observations I have gotten involved in #SciComm (@ComSciConQC) and #SciPol (@DSP_SPE) initiatives to communicate science to different crowds. I also create #SciArt (@sciwalkart).

For a long time I was not fully myself at the lab, because there was no one I could relate to and I was worried I would be stigmatized. After a long academic and self-acceptance journey I am proud to be a queer in STEM and I hope the next generations will embrace who they are and have role models that they can look up to!
