Daniel Dörler


I am gay and I am a senior scientist.//


I am gay and I am a Senior Scientist at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. I studied Zoology and have a PhD in Ecology. In my work I focus on citizen science and how participation of laypeople can help us understand ecological processes better. Together with a friend of mine I founded the Citizen Science Network Austria and its associated online platform Österreich forscht (www.citizen-science.at), to showcase the many projects in Austria where people can participate. I co-organize an annual citizen science conference in Austria and several science communication events. Furthermore, I am member of the European Citizen Science Association’s Steering Committee. Now, I am very lucky to have a permanent position to coordinate our citizen science network and to conduct more citizen science projects in the field of ecology at our university.
In my career I never had a queer role model to look up to and for a long time I did not share my sexual orientation at the work place. This has changed recently and I am happy that it was a very positive experience. I hope that my example can encourage other LGBTIQ*-people to come out and feel proud of who they are. It definitely helped me a lot.
