Damien Huffer


I am gay and I am a bioarchaeologist and antiquities-trade scholar. //

I’m currently a postdoc at Stockholm University, earning MA and PhD degrees in archaeology and bioarchaeology from the Australian National University. Like many archaeologists in training, working in academia was punctuated by various stints as a “contract” archaeologist working in Oz and Arizona. My current research interests lie in bioarchaeology, isotope geochemistry, the global and Southeast Asian/Pacific antiquities trades, human-remains trafficking, and educational gaming (digital and otherwise) for archaeological outreach. Current research seeks to combine insights from the digital humanities, law, osteology and archaeological science to better understand the historic and contemporary online trade of human remains. Yes, really, it does exist! Like many of us, I wanted to be a scientist since at least middle-school (or a chef – still a home cooking enthusiast). I’m excited to participate in 500 Queer Scientists as visibility in all areas matters. In grad school, I was the founder of “QSACT” (Queer Scientists of the Australian Capital Territory). The goal of the group was to provide a much-needed space for queers in science, academia or otherwise, to socialize, share advice, support each other, and represent the scientific community in local pride events.

Twitter @DamienHuffer
