Cristian Sandoval Vásquez


I’m gay and I’m a biology PhD student and researcher. //

Since I was a child, I knew that my life would be harder than the life of other guys. To be a gay person has never been easy, but to me it’s just like a different skin color, different eye colors, or a different kind of hair. When I discovered science, I found the best way to shine and to do amazing things to build, through science, to new world. I started my first research work when I was an undergraduate. After that, I finished my thesis but I fell in love with biology and I never wanted to leave it. Now, I’m finishing my doctoral thesis and working hard to be a PhD. My background is mainly in relation to teaching in statistics, histological analysis, and morphometric and stereological analysis. I was in Germany showing my research and I received a scholarship for that. I have been to the SickKids Institute at University of Toronto doing an internship and learning molecular biology techniques, electron microscopy, and cell culture. Right now I’m looking for a postdoctoral position and a new place to do research and improve all my scientific skills. I know the power is in our hand and we can change the world.