Cherish Ardinger


I am bi and I am an addiction neuroscience PhD student.//

I am deeply passionate about science, teaching, and making the lab and classroom a space where everyone is welcome. In undergrad, I majored in psychology with a minor in LGBT studies. I then pursued a master’s in experimental psychology with a thesis studying aging. Post-M.A., I took on an adjunct faculty position teaching behavioral statistics. Stats is one of my favorite subjects, but it can be difficult to engage students if they have a preconceived notion that they are not mathematically inclined. Working through challenging problems together, watching my students have the “I get it!” moment, and seeing their confidence build over the semester is one of the mutually rewarding experiences that makes me really love to teach. I am now a PhD student studying addiction neuroscience. My research considers how binge drinking patterns change over time and how drinking alcohol relates to changes in the brain. As I have worked through this academic path, I have been extremely fortunate to have mentors who are supportive of my identity. I am thankful for the 500QueerSci community because I believe that diverse representation in science matters. Let’s chat about science and teaching methods!

Twitter: @CherishArdinger; Instagram: @c_hainesardinger