Callie McNicholas


I am a transgender woman and an atmospheric scientist.//


In the summer of 2021, I received a Ph.D. in atmospheric science from the University of Washington. I now work in climate risk modeling. Using machine learning to downscale and bias-correct climate model data, I help analyze the regional impacts of climate change on weather extremes.

As a transgender (trans) woman in science, I’m passionate about improving the representation and visibility of marginalized groups in STEM. This passion is informed by my own experience. As a graduate student, I struggled to see a future for myself in science, partly because I’d never met an openly trans scientist in my field. Through my own visibility, I hope to address this lack of representation.

As a child growing up in a conservative corner of a liberal state, I had no trans role models. I didn’t even know that transitioning was possible until I was in college. I began my transition at age 26, in my final year of graduate school. It saved my life.

Much of the discussion around trans people today focuses on the dysphoria and oppression we face. While essential to acknowledge, it’s equally important to highlight the euphoria we experience when we are allowed to exist and be ourselves. Today, I am happier and healthier than I have ever been, and I am proud to be a trans scientist.