Bryan McElroy


I am gay and I am a neuroscientist.//


I’m currently a 3rd year PhD student at Temple University in Philadelphia. In college I didn’t know what I wanted in life (still don’t sometimes) but I knew I was good at science. I joined a lab that specialized in alcohol use/affective disorders and was mentored by an extremely passionate, funny, caring and intelligent post-doc who inspired me and made me love science.

I never realized how relevant my research was until the pandemic hit. I left my support team to start graduate school and felt completely isolated and alone. I finally sought help for my depression and at times, problematic drinking. I became my research and I didn’t even know it.

Before the pandemic I was in a bubble, but now I realize I’m not alone. So many people in the queer community use substances to cope with depression and loneliness. I try to acknowledge our community in every presentation/poster I make because we are extremely at-risk for mood/substance use disorders and are never mentioned. I’m really happy that a community like 500QS exists and to be a part of it. So we can advocate for queer issues and create a safe-space in science to belong.
