Asia G Perkins


I am bi and I am a Ph.D. student in clinical psychology.//


Hi! My name is Asia, and I am currently a graduate student at the University of Connecticut. My research interests include disruptive behavior disorders in youth, limited prosocial emotions, racial-ethnic socialization, social competence, and effective interventions. Additionally, I aim to address racial and ethnic disparities in data collection as well as the creation of measures and evidence-based treatment models. Outside of graduate school, I also work on several diversity initiatives on the local and state levels.

On a more personal note, I am a multiracial woman from a low SES background who was born and raised in Oklahoma City. As it’s part of the Bible Belt, I’m no stranger to experiencing overt racism, homophobia, sexism, and xenophobia. I honestly don’t remember a time where I didn’t think or know that I was bisexual, and I’ve always felt secure in my sexuality regardless of how others responded to my “coming out” to them or how much biphobia and bi erasure I’ve experienced. However, I know that’s not the case for everyone. So if you’re a fellow bi/pan person, I want you to know that you are valid. Your sexuality is real. It’s not a choice or a phase. You are not inherently greedy, indecisive, or a cheater. You are loved.

If you’re so inclined, feel free to contact me on Twitter! I would love to interact with fellow queer scientists and researchers.
