Amy Sweeny


I am queer/bi and I am a disease ecologist. //

I’m a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh studying the ecological drivers of variation in helminth infection among individuals in the wild. Specifically I’m interested in how diet influences infection, and spend my summers trapping Scottish wood mice to investigate this—which has the benefit both of being a great study system and of allowing me to live my best life wearing Birkenstocks and cargo pants to work for several months of the year. When I’m not chasing wild mice, I’m quite actively involved in rowing and love being involved in student mentoring. Making connections across a diversity of people and disciplines is one of my favourite parts of science, and fostering inclusion is an important aspect of my career goals. Seeing more and more queer representation in academia has been really important to me, and I hope that visibility only continues to increase for everyone under the rainbow interested in or already pursuing STEM careers!