AJ Slepian


I am bi and I am a molecular and cellular biologist.

I’m a bisexual scientist and enthusiastic supporter of women in STEM and broad STEM education. My background is in cell and molecular biology and I currently work in a neurobiology lab focusing on synaptic development and dendritic spine morphology in iPSC-derived neurons. My best friend is a confocal microscope and I spend 98% of my time in the tissue-culture room serenading my neurons and attempting to get them to grow processes. I’ve loved science all my life but wasn’t traditionally “good” at science and math in school. When I got to college I realized working hard was worth studying what I loved most and I’ve never regretted it for a moment. Outside of the lab I’m a sucker for bougie craft beer, shrimp burritos, backpacking, skiing, hiking, camping, and listening to punk music. I’m diving more into scientific communication and outreach and hoping to make science a little more welcoming for underrepresented groups and to encourage the curiosity that lives in every one of us!