Tony Edgington


I am gay/queer and I am a sedimentologist.//


I’m a native Texan and recent geology and engineering graduate of UT-Austin. I’ve now begun my MS studies in geological sciences at UConn with plans to pursue a doctorate.

My research interests entail utilizing sedimentology, stratigraphy, and geo- and thermochronology to study how tectonics, climate, and surface processes drive orogenesis and basin and landscape evolution – from local to regional scales and in ancient to modern systems. I aspire to a career in higher education, academia, and/or research, incorporating mentorship and other efforts to broaden participation in STEM, especially for queer folks. LQBTQIA+ representation is important to me because I severely lacked exposure to it while growing up. I’m still finding my queer identity, but I’m happy to be out and proud of my identity.

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that a field geologist likes being outdoors, but I enjoy other outdoor activities besides looking at rocks: tennis, running, trail and road cycling, swimming, soccer, frisbee, skating, and fossil hunting. I also like photography, reading non-fiction and poetry, and amassing succulents.

Feel free to contact me — I’m eager to meet and interact with other queer scientists!

