Sarah Haskmann


I’m a lesbian and I’m a renewable energy and sustainability engineer. //

These days I primarily build very large solar farms for a living here in Australia, helping to transition electricity generation from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Australia is a big place with lots of sun, wind, and waves! I chose this career so I might do my part in addressing climate change and environmental vandalism. I also have a degree in Humanities (Sociology and Ethics), which keeps me grounded and reminds me that engineering is more than just solving a logical problem. The why, what, when, and how matters. I am happily married, having travelled away from Australia to do so (go NZ!) as marriage equality was only recently achieved here after a very long and ugly campaign. Sadly, the fight is far from over and I have been an activist since the late 90’s. I personally believe LGBTI+ visibility is so very important, and it would have made a world of difference to me when I was younger. For this reason, I never shy away from standing up and being visible.
