Sam Clark


I am gay and I am a computer scientist.//


I didn’t have much of a vision as to what life would be when I was young. As a gay kid from a small town in Upstate New York, the horizon was very near, and the possibilities were limited. It wasn’t until I went to undergrad at Stony Brook University in the New York City metro that I realized what life could become.

Since earning my degree, I have worked as a software engineer at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. I currently develop software tools used by scientists, engineers, and other developers to aid in the development and operation of the particle accelerators and collider at our facility. I’ve had an awe for science and grand experiments my entire life, so it’s incredibly fulfilling to contribute to a project I saw on the Science Channel as a child.

During COVID, I convinced myself to go back to school, and I earned a master’s degree in computer science from Georgia Tech. Now I live with my fiancé just outside of Chicago, continuing to work remotely for BNL, and I’m as excited as ever for what lies over the horizon.
