Renato Cardoso


I am bi and I am a biotechnologist.//


I am a Latin American Biotechnologist. I have a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) where I was able to participate in research, teaching, and scientific dissemination activities. During my bachelor’s degree, I focused my studies on Immunology and I developed a scientific initiation project at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) that aimed to better understand neuroimmune interactions in the normal and diabetic wounds healing.

I am currently a master’s student in Immunology at the University of São Paulo (USP) where I study neuroimmune interactions in the context of Glioblastoma and Immunotherapy in the Tumor Immunology lab. I also participate in a scientific dissemination platform that aims to combat the fake news spread during the COVID-19 pandemic in my country, the @covidverificado!

I believe that public investment in high-level education and science is a fundamental strategy to combat social inequalities and generate human, scientific-technological and economic development for my country (Brazil) and for our Latin American people!

Ei, cientista LGBTQIA+ você não está sozinho, nós existimos porque resistimos!
Oye, científico LGBTQIA+ tú no estás solo, ¡nosotros existimos porque resistimos!
Hey, LGBTQIA+ scientist you are not alone, we exist because we resist!
