Negin Katal

They/Them او

I am non-binary and I am an ecologist / data scientist.//


Since my childhood, I have always had a strong sense of curiosity, which has continued to drive me into adulthood. I pursued my studies in Biology and later specialized in geo-ecology. In 2021, I embarked on a PhD journey in Germany, focusing on exploring various data sources for plant occurrence. My goal is to investigate how different types of data can be effectively utilized to address ecological questions and enhance our understanding of climate change.

One particular area of interest for me is studying plant species and their occurrence patterns at spatial and temporal scales, utilizing diverse data sources. By analyzing these patterns, I aim to gain insights into the impacts of changing climates on plant populations.

In addition to my scientific pursuits, I am actively engaged in advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights. Creating safe and inclusive work environments for individuals from minority groups is a cause close to my heart. I strongly believe in fostering equality and acceptance for all people, regardless of their background or identity.
