Morgan Guidry
I am an asexual lesbian and I am a geneticist.//
I’m currently a student geneticist based in New York City that is studying under a mentor that is an expert in epigenetics. I grew up with an open-minded mother that supported my adoration of everything biology. I entered the field purely out of love for it, but I’ve realized that it has provided with many opportunities to do research that can help people. I want to help contribute to the research of the biology behind queer identities, especially transgender identities, in order to help legitimize queer identities in the eyes of the scientific community. Having a complex and well-supported scientific foundation for queer identities is, of course, not a requirement for the validity of said queer identities, but it will certainly help us be taken seriously! We deserve to be considered real varieties of the Homo sapiens species and not just morbidly interesting specimens to cisgender heterosexual researchers.