Marc Augenreich


I am gay and I am a vascular physiologist.//


My name is Marc, and I am a gay man who studies vascular physiology. I had the privilege to come-out to a loving and accepting family when I was a sophomore in High School. I have always envisioned myself as a scientist when I was an adolescent and am proud to say that I have achieved that goal!

I have earned my BS and MS from Appalachian State University in the mountains of North Carolina. My degrees are majoring in Exercise Science which is a predominantly heterosexual field of study. I have only met two people in six years of University that identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. I just moved to Columbia, MO with my partner so I can pursue a PhD.

I tell my story to say that I overcame the trials of being alone by accepting myself no matter the words said about me. I am me.

