Kat Magnone


I am non-binary genderfluid and polyamorous bisexual and I am a physical chemist and chemistry education researcher.//


I am (currently!) a PostDoc at the University of Rhode Island, where I am doing Chemistry Education Research. In addition to being a massive Queer, I am also disabled.

I spent the first few decades of my life in Southern California, where I: Began college as a Chemistry Major intending to teach High School Chem, Got Scared by Organic Chemistry, Shenanigan-ed my way through a BS in Physics instead, started a PhD program in Materials Science and Engineering, accidentally got an MS in MSE instead after Noping out of a bad situation, Intentionally (although fiscally irresponsibly) got a second MS in Physical Chemistry, Realized that I actually did still want to teach Chem, then Impulsively moved 2200 miles away to give a PhD a Second Attempt, this time in rural Ohio, and in Chemistry Education Research (I honestly did not understand how HARD Chem Ed Research can be! Turns out it’s not just “How to Teach Well!”).

The transition from SoCal to Rural OH was particularly jarring for me as a Queer person, but has made me a better advocate, ally, scholar, and person overall.

There is no such thing as Failure, unless you Failed to learn a lesson.

