Ingrida Semenec


I am bi and I am an experimental astroparticle physicist.//


I grew up in a small town in Lithuania. I did my B.Sc In Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology at Lancaster University in the UK. Then I moved to Canada and completed my Master’s degree in Astroparticle Physics at Laurentian University.
Now I am midway through my PhD at Queen’s University.

I am currently part of the SNO+ experiment. As part of my thesis, I am leading the analysis for the geo-neutrino measurement. I love being part of the interdisciplinary geo-neutrino community. I get to closely work with geologists and many other experts who are interested in the neutrino flux coming from the radioactive elements inside the Earth’s crust and mantle. It is exciting that particle physics can help answer some the biggest mysteries in geology!

I am extremely passionate about improving the physics community to be more inclusive and welcoming. Therefore, I am a physics graduate EDI representative, an executive for the G.I.R.L.S. (Girls for Innovation, Research, Leadership & Science) Initiative, and leader of the physics department’s Round Table Discussions.

