Daniel Lin


I am bisexual and I am an immunologist.//


IĀ am a proud, queer Taiwanese-American student currently undertaking Ph.D research in the lab of Jean-Laurent Casanova at The Rockefeller University in New York and the Institut Imagine in Paris. I have a B.S. in Biochemistry from National Taiwan University (NTU), but started my undergraduate journey in research at the University of Notre Dame, attending on a merit scholarship.

In my four years of biomedical research, my work has spanned dengue and Zika virus-vector interactions (w/ Shin-Hong Shiao, NTU), dendritic cell development (w/ Chien-Kuo Lee, NTU), transcriptional addiction in lung cancer (w/ Jean-Marc Egly, NTU & IGBMC), and HIV-induced immune dysfunction (w/ Ya-Chi Ho, Yale). Currently, my doctoral research aims to uncover monogenic determinants of both severe responses, and resistance to, SARS-CoV-2 and influenza infection.

I complement my academic work with community-building by leadingĀ Nucleate, a global student-run organization that empowers students in bioscience to take control of their own careers. I co-founded the Taiwan chapter and co-direct a variety of international initiatives to democratize access to biotech venture creation.

