Connor Love


I am bi and I am an oceanographer.//


I am a graduate student at University of California, Santa Barbara and I use analytical chemistry to answer questions about the ocean. My current work and goal is to create a cheap and easy to use method to enhance our understanding of coral feeding as it occurs on the reef. Corals feeding on particles and plankton in the water is known to enhance resistance to and recovery from bleaching and may have a strong role in what future reefs will look like. This method uses a fairly cheap analysis of fatty acids and is aimed for use on remote and understudied reefs. Previously I have worked as a microbial oceanographer and studied the biological cycling of hydrocarbons in the ocean and how this plays into the oceans natural capacity for oil spill recovery.

As a queer scientist who came out during my PhD I am still learning a lot about myself every day (aren’t we all?) and wish I had more openly bisexual role models growing up and in graduate school. I love connecting with other queer folks, please feel free to reach out!

Outside of science I love surfing, hiking, cooking and making music!
