Benjamin Weitzman


I am bi/queer/non-binary and I am a marine ecologist and wildlife biologist.//


I have been working and researching nearshore ecosystems of the northeastern pacific, through the window of sea otters from California up to Alaska, since 2005. First as a volunteer, eventually becoming a scientific aide, biotechnician, biological student trainee, biologist, graduate student researcher, ecologist, and most recently a wildlife biologist. My work and academic experience has led to employment by four different government agencies, a masters degree, and a PhD. Throughout my experience, I have been fortunate to spend a great deal of time in the field and generally worked with some stellar folks.

I am also an individual who has known they are bi/queer since youth but generally existed “invisibly”. This resulted in over a decade of hiding part of myself from most colleagues, with the trickling out of my identity often causing shifts and strain in both personal and professional relationships. I was generally taught not to discuss the matter at all costs. However, as times change, so do people and workplace cultures. I recently obtained a permanent position in an organization with a strong community and administrative support for LGBTQ+ representation. A result of which has provided me with a sense of confidence to show up authentically in the workplace to create an even more inclusive environment for the next generation of folks.

I hope that my life and professional experience can inspire others in the queer community and allies alike, promote expansive thinking, and shed light on the number of LGBTQ+ folks who contribute to research, conservation, and wildlife management.