Azmeer Sharipol


I am gay and and I am a biomedical engineer.//


I grew up in Malaysia and came to the US in 2013 to pursue my bachelor’s degree. I started working as a research technician after graduating and it gave me time to figure out what I am passionate about and who I am. Being raised in a predominantly conservative community, I always had to follow heteronormative ways of living. So, there were no opportunities to deviate outside of the norms. I always had to be straight, otherwise I could be criminalized. Even during college years, I felt like I needed to shove any romantic feelings towards men because it was simply wrong. It was only when I started working that I started to explore my queer identity. However, it is still a struggle and may always be so. I embrace being Muslim, Malay, and gay but these identities often clash with one another. But one thing is certain, I am forever proud of who I am.

Currently, I am pursuing my Biomedical Engineering PhD in a lab that focuses on Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Specifically, I am developing a microphysiological system of AML to mimic the disease biology in the lab with the goal of reducing the use of animals in research and facilitating drug discovery to cure AML.

I am excited to continue my journey in STEM and hopefully build lasting connections with queer folks especially for those who are on a similar journey as me.
