Giulia Marino


I am a lesbian and I am a horticultural physiologist.//


I am a faculty member at the Department of Plant Science, University of Davis, California. I got my PhD in Sicily, a gorgeous island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea where I was born and raised up. My research is very applied, I aim to help growers of perennial fruits crops to deal with issues associated to climate change, mainly water scarcity, salinity, high temperatures etc. I focus on the physiological responses of the trees to these stressors and develop sustainable management strategies for growers.
I am proudly homosexual, but freely expressing the proudly part in the work environment took me some time; moving to California and getting married surely helped!

Work apart, I love to stay outside, do sport and have fun with friends.
I am glad to be part of the both the LGBTQ+ and the scientific communities, and I am eager to contribute in making agricultural science a more inclusive and gender free field of study.